Thursday, July 24, 2008

apricot sperm.

just finished masturbating- wow, am I really blogging this?
My cock was throbbing, VERY HARD, got solid really fast, is it used to my easy button being pounded at 12:28AM every day? Have I created a new habitual cycle? very unlike me.

Fucking cum went flying, EVERYWHERE. On my toes, on my CLEAN PAIR OF UNDIES, on my wrist, all over my palms. And I found the easiest way to clean up is, what better? than by swallowing my own cum :D Protein intake AND I get to judge how well I've been eating. Well holy cow (or holy soybean?) has there been a change. I've been downing apricot by the sillyzen, and I'm getting up to grab two now, made a major influence in how I taste, very fluidy (VERY FLUIDY), not salty nor bitter, very alkaline.

Welp, gotta run and get my washed apricots! The Boondocks just came on on Adult Swim, can't miss my nigga cartoon!

BTW, anyone know if Dr. Pepper is vegan? Wtf is in that list of 23 flavors? Taurine, EDTA, and boiled pork bones (ala US Gelatin)??

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

no fucking sex- I NEED MY EASY BUTTON PUSHED!!

So I'm the new Easy Resident Tech at store 1733 (Staples Express on Fresh Pond Rd in Queens) and I'm loving it- wish I didn't have to really do floor sales but I'm learning and getting good at it.

Har har, noooooo, I'm not an "Easy" tech, bitch. Ain't no one gettin' into my pants that easy.

Onto clarifying last post's tongue whetter-
No, I no longer have 5 guys in my life, CALM YOUR ASS YOU-KNOW-WHO. lol, I had many weeks before I met the current man in my life, now it's a split decision between two guys, and unfortunately, Imma have to drop 1. Poo.

Currently, I'm lounging with this sexy beast- hairy, muscular, manly, encompassing. Lovin' him and lovin' his fire. He can pound me and work my energy. Very good stuff.

But I have Fire Island Will. I can't skip him too, can I?
I loved what we had while on vacation, I loved how we slept together, how I worked into him and he worked into me (and this dude is also packing, gawd, why do I always get the hole-stretching big fish?!)

Well yuppers, 2 guys. Poo. Not seeing Fire Island Will, not in love with him, but I wonder if there's a chance for something really good being with him.

Seeing Easy Button Guy, not in love with him (and I don't wanna say anything that'll ruin what we have [I HOPE I HAVEN'T!]), but I kinda know where I stand with him, and I like that.

Fuck, I'm distracted every fucking second by the tele.

Well let's wrap this post asap before commercials are over:
-Fire Island (I HOPE!) this weekend! wooooo, just gotta _not_ blow my mula.
-Just hit 169 lbs this morning... ONE SIXTY! wooo, finally getting to 150! and soon -I'll be all buff and sexy. I just needed put my body into ketosis one more time and shed these last few pounds immediately, then I can start toning.
-Fucking binging on rice now (fucking Tropical Restaurant didn't want to accept my card 'cause my order was under $12 and my usual girl wasn't there, so I couldn't buy rice & beans earlier, now I'm binging much later before bed, gurrrr.)
-Figuring out my financial situation and how I can move the fuck out ASAP. EBG has pointed out how toxic my parents are (not that I wasn't aware) but finally made it so obvious that it really is hurting me.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

so fucking tired...

Well life has truly been fun thus far; landed a jerb @ Staples as the Easy Resident Tech (which is a great title but doesn't necessarily mean I don't have to do Floor Sales) and I've been managing my weight/watching as it slowly descends and rises around the 176lbs mark. Trying to manage my time and help friends all the while remain calm and poised to pull off the unthinkable, living flat-ass-broke this past week hasn't helped though and I've let many down on their expectations of me, right now I'm trying to win back their trust.

Don't wanna go into details on that just yet, just some bland text to get your tongue a little wet.

Well I have 3? no 4? no 5 boyfriends? nope, just 1, and he's coming back from Toronto soon, I'm dying of anxiety as I wait for his sexy ass to return and for him to hold me in his arms- right now I'm playing Fernando-safe and I shall be going into testing tomorrow mornin', gotta make sure I stay Neg. on all that nasty stuff!

Unfortunately, I'm pulling hairs on what to do with my current situation. Oh well, I'll let it play out and see what happens.

Now you just sit their a salivate. Details shall be posted next time around :D