Monday, December 08, 2008

erotic... cah.

wooo, lol, this weekend was weird and fast - whirled right by. That and I'm totally impervious to this cold weather, as I type my fingers and toes have lost [heat] circulation but I'm not in pain.

Well I've been re-weeding my life, again. again. Ugh, very agitating, but necessary. a4a profile is not being put down, I talk to too many guys there where nothing goes forward, I'm not into childish games, I want to fuck AND NOW. Fuck the chit chat and let's get to some raw d/d-free fucking. Out with the condoms!

Needless to say - and quite contradictory - after Ciro it's been all types of safe sex, blah. Well, almost, poo.

So I've cut out Chris, an uber indie guy I was messing around with. Ended on a mutual note and I believe he's found someone now who he likes so that's a plus. Trying to end shit with Ciro but he has my number, blah, ultimately might have to move my number to a new carrier so I can properly block folks. Thankfully Motorola's can soft-block but that's not enough for me. My adventure with Gio, aka Tuff-n-kute/cute was short lived, would've liked more out of it, and maybe I can attract him again for kinky shit, but I'll let that die on its own. I'm still messing with Lance and Vlad - gonna see those two tonight, that should be fun.

In other bodily news, I developed yet ANOTHER ass pimple, ugh. I need to stop riding my bike without undies, fucking sweat collects in all types of not fun. But, my workout regime has been paying off and now my arms and abs are now more readily visible, which calls to mind, I need to workout now.